Naše vrhy
sibiřských husky / Breed by Siwash Legend :
Vrh /
Litter "L"
4 štěňata / 4
puppies ( 2male /2 female)
( Moonrun´s Snow Patrol x Ch.Honey Moon Siwash Legend )
Vrh /
Litter "K" 15.1.2011
1 puppy
( Moonrun´s Snow Patrol x Ch.Honey Moon Siwash Legend )
Vrh / Litter "J" 6.1.2009
3 štěnata / 3
puppies (1male /2 female)
( Jedeye Marlin
of Manitou,imp.USA x Ebony Cloud Siwash Legend )
Jedeye Spirit of
Siwash Legend / Jennifer , Jayanti
* * *
Vrh /
Litter " I " * 8.2.2008
štěnata / 3 puppies ( 1 male / 2 female)
( Ch.CZ
Sheair´s Mi Title Pirate O´Taja x Ebony Cloud Siwash Legend )
Will / Ice Queen,Indian Summer
* * *
Vrh / Litter
"Ch " * 18.2.2007
6 štěňat/ puppies( 4
psi/males,2 feny/females)
( I.Ch.Magic Moment´s
of the Midnight Sun x Ebony Cloud Siwash Legend)
Washakie,Chief Blackhawk,Chilkoot /Charished of Zorba,Chasing
* * *
Vrh / Litter
4 štěňata/ puppies (
1 pes/male ,3 feny/females)
( Ch.Shapali de Ciukci x
Ebony Cloud Siwash Legend)
Highlander Siwash Legend
and Honky-Tonk Siwash Legend,
Res.Biss Heaven´s Blue
Taja Siwash Legend,Honey Moon Siwash Legend.
Honky-Tonk Heaven´s Blue Highlander Honey Moon
* * *
Vrh / Litter
"G" * 4.7.2006
2 štěňata/ puppies( 1
pse/male,1 fena/females)
( I.Ch.Oumiak´s
The Show Must Go On x Francis Siwash Legend)
Gold digger Siwash
Legend and Gold Rush Siwash Legend
* * *
Vrh / Litter
"F " * 11.11.2002
6 štěňat / puppies( 1
pes/male, 5 fen /females)
Ch.Flashdance Siwash
Legend and Ch.Funny Girl Siwash Legend,
Farah Siwash Legend,Fata
Morgana Siwash Legend,Favorite Bijou Siwash Legend,Francis Siwash
Girl and Flashdance
* * *
Vrh / Litter
"E " * 12.2.2001
7 štěňat / puppies( 4
psi/males, 3 feny/ females)
( Ch.Doc-Dolittle von
der Doghouse Farm x I.Ch.Funny Girl Snowhill´s)
Ch.Easy Rider Siwash
Legend,Ch.El Cid Siwash Legend,Etukishook Siwash Legend,Ch.Eskimo
Chief Siwash Legend and Elukka Siwash Legend,Ebony Cloud Siwash
Legend,Escatawpa Siwash Legend.
Ebony Cloud "Jessie"-6
* * *
Vrh / Litter
"D" * 8.11.1999
6 štěňat / puppies( 2
psi/males, 4 feny/females)
( Ch.Iglu Dog´s
Jet-Black x I.Ch.Funny Girl Snowhill´s)
Ch.Dances with wolves
Siwash Legend,Dawson Siwash Legend and Daisy Siwash
Legend,Ch.Denali Siwash Legend,Dream of Alaska Siwash
Legend,Ch.Diamond Flash Siwash Legend.
* * *
Vrh / Litter
"C" * 8.9.1998
6 štěňat /puppies( 2
psi/males,4 feny/females)
( Ch.Innisfree New York
Ranger x Ch.Appaloosa Lady Siwash Legend)
Cowley Siwash
Legend,Cody Siwash Legend and Collen Siwash Legend,Ch.Connie
Siwash Legend,Catmai Siwash Legend,Cariboo Siwash Legend.
Cowley and Cody Catmai and Connie Cody
* * *
Vrh / Litter
"B" * 2.9.1998
7 štěňat /puppies( 2
psi/males, 5 fen/females)
( Ch.Big Foot Red
Quay Cajun x I.Ch.Funny Girl Snowhill´s)
Balto Siwash
Legend,Bluegrass Siwash Legend and Beverly Siwash Legend,Blue Ice
Kiss Siwash Legend,Bonanza Siwash Legend,Brandy Siwash
Legend,Bonny Blue Flake Siwash Legend.
Bonny Blue Flake
* * *
Vrh / Litter
"A" * 31.1.1996
4 štěňata /puppies(
1 pes/male, 3 feny/females)
( Ch.Tai-mir of Wolf
Gold Gorbi x I.Ch.Funny Girl Snowhill´s)
Anadyr River Siwash
Legend and Apatchy Girl Siwash Legend,Ch.Appaloosa Lady Siwash
Legend,Athabasca Wolf Siwash Legend.
Apatchy Girl Anadyr River